The 8th of September is a significant day for the Salvatorian family, marking the nativity of the Blessed Mother and the death anniversary of our founder, Blessed Francis Jordan. This year’s celebration was especially vibrant, as chapter delegates gathered to witness the universal call of Bl. Jordan.
In the morning, sisters visited the Salvatorian Fathers’ mother house, welcomed warmly by Fr. Adam Teneta, who introduced them to the historic Palazzo di Cardinale Cesi, closely linked to the founder. The sisters were captivated by a detailed tour of the Palazzo, culminating in a touching moment as members from around the world gathered around the founder’s relics for the Holy Eucharist. This gathering symbolized the unity of the Salvatorian family, all striving to make the Savior known.
Fr. Milton Zonta, the main celebrant, invited reflection on Bl. Jordan’s life, charism, and mission. He noted, “Francis Mary of the Cross was a seed that sprouted and became a beautiful tree,” emphasizing the fragments of history in the chapel representing the founder’s global impact. He connected this to the day’s Gospel, which tells of the healing of the deaf and mute (Mk 7:31-37), urging attendees to view life through Bl. Jordan’s lens of unconditional love for humanity.
Fr. Milton highlighted that the universality of salvation is central to Bl. Jordan’s mission. He quoted, “…One thing I ask of You, one thing, almighty Lord – this I seek! How I wish I could save everyone” (SD 1, 149). He emphasized that Salvatorian universality is not merely an aspect of identity but a testament to a big heart and open eyes that reach out to those suffering, going to where people live without excluding anyone.
Fr. Milton also stressed the importance of intercessory prayer as an act of love and solidarity. Praying for someone not only shows love but brings them closer to Jesus. “Be people of prayer,” he often reminded.
The Mass concluded with members venerating the founder’s relics by placing flowers near his mortal remains.
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