The 11th day of the general chapter started at the plenary at 9:15 in the morning, starting off with the singing of the prayer to the Holy Spirit in French language.
The facilitators asked the capitulars to get together in groups where they will recall the previous day’s experience. From the sharing, they have to write down particular topics taken from yesterday’s sharing. The written words were brought to the plenum and were sorted out accordingly per theme by the facilitators. Eight most popular theme were given back to each table, but in these, there will be cross cutting themes though. The capitulars after some time were given time to freely go to another table where one seems she has to contribute or add on.
The next process was spending moments of reflection and sharing on experiences of life-giving examples and life-draining examples that the capitulars have experienced. These experiences might be one’s experience or another sister’s experience. They were reminded however to give flesh to the experience and not just cite categories or concepts. They were also asked to formulate one or two questions that these general chapter should discern well in the next few weeks, questions which lead them to discern, not to give disguised solutions.
The afternoon was spent in the plenum and with openness, there is a felt community synergy. There is also so much information and a strong desire to collaborate and the need to seek a path to walk in the world today together, to be invigorated. Despite the diversity of the body, experiences are very common.
Before the end of the plenary ends, a quick look at the present demographics of the congregation per continent was presented again. This was done to help the capitulars feel the reality of the congregation accordingly.
To end the day, Msgr. Erwin Jose Balagapo – Undersecretary of the Vatican Dicastery for Evangelization celebrated the Holy Mass in joyful spirit of communion through the leading of the Sri Lanka Province delegates.
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30th Day: XXII General Chapter_Closing Ceremony
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26th Day: XXII General Chapter_What have I silenced?
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