The morning started with a faith-sharing in groups on the gospel of today, from St. Luke, chapter 7: 11-17 and also from the first reading of today, from 1 Corinthians 12: 12-14; 27-31. They were led to reflect on these two beautiful readings of today in relation to their journey in this general chapter.
The capitulars worked very hard in the deliberation in groups of the eight Salvatorian key elements which came out during the whole process in the sensing and letting go. Key principles which were in each of these eight Salvatorian key elements were accorded. In the repeated group sharing, they see whether these general principles emerge clearly from the part of their “letting go” and do they adequately in the process guide them, the capitulars in further discernment? This process that they are undergoing is not yet that stage of formulating the final chapter document, this is just a starting point, a way to be there. A thorough process of scrutiny and assessment of principles inside these eight Salvatorian key elements was done in the plenary.
The sharing of ideas, the expression of confirmation and even non-approval of these principles or suggestions for further improvement of these eight Salvatorian key elements made the afternoon session a very meaningful yet very Salvatorian in itself.
The day ended with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. Agustin Van Baelen, SDS – General Councilor and Secretary of the Society of the Divine Savior (Salvatorian Fathers). The celebration was particularly moving and lively due to a number of Spanish songs sang, and this was made possible by the delegates from the Colombia Province and S. Maria Yaneth Moreno – General Superior of the Sisters of the Divine Savior (Salvatorian Sisters), who is a Colombian herself.
The Installation of the New Salvatorian Sisters’ General Administration
Pilgrims of Hope, Pilgrims of Spirit: On January 25, 2025, the Salvatorian Sisters marked a significant milestone with the official installation of their new General Administration in Rome, coinciding with the Feast of St. Paul the Apostle. The much-anticipated...
30th Day: XXII General Chapter_Closing Ceremony
On the last day of the general chapter, another faith-sharing was done focusing on the gospel of today, and they shared on what gratitude they carry in their hearts in this shared journey of faith. The regular faith-sharing created in the capitulars the sense of the...
29th Day: XXII General Chapter_Keep up the Christian tolerance.
The day started with the celebration of the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Alexander Mariadass, Ph.D. a member of the Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. He recommended the sisters to keep on to the Christian values especially...
28th Day: XXII General Chapter_Put into practice the true mission of Jesus
Fr. Agustin Van Baelen, SDS celebrated the Holy Mass at the start of the day. In his short reflection, he shared that the followers of Jesus never ceased to marvel at what Jesus was doing and what his closeness could do to people. However, Jesus points out that their...
27th Day: XXII General Chapter_Time to ask questions and a time to give answers…
To paraphrase today’s first reading, we could say that there is a time to ask questions and a time to give answers. In addition, in the gospel reading from Luke 9: 18-22, it seems to be a time of asking questions for Jesus when he said, “Who do people say that I am?”....
26th Day: XXII General Chapter_What have I silenced?
“What voices have I silenced within me during this chapter?, this is the point of reflection in today’s faith-sharing among the capitulars, with basis from the gospel of St. Luke, chapter 9, verses 7-9. In this gospel, Herod imprisoned and beheaded John the Baptist...