XXII General Chapter

The XXII General Chapter will take place in Rome, from September 1-30, 2024, at the house of the Passionist Fathers, close to the Colosseum. General Chapter of a congregation is a time when all its members come together in synodality to listen, reflect, share and renew its Mission and Spirituality. 

We, Salvatorians are called to re-create our ways to be and to act in the world as F. Jordan described, “…All peoples, all nations, all races, all tribes, everyone.. Do not rest until everyone knows, loves and serves Jesus the Savior”. (SDII/70, 14 February 1904). More and more, we are invited to walk together as sisters, to spend our lives by the action of the Holy Spirit.

“Walking together, rekindling the gift of the spirit among us, so to inflame all”.
We are approaching our 22nd General Chapter. It is our common chapter not just for the delegates. Together we want to listen to what the spirit of God calling us to do, we want to explore together how we should live our charism our spirituality and our mission today in the concrete reality of the world in which we live. To this end, in our reports, we will look back how we are at the last five years, but we will also try to describe how we perceive the world and the congregation today. The members of each unit of the whole congregation prepared themselves to participate in this upcoming chapter.

News & Upates from the General Chapter

THE LOGO reminds us of an atom. Around a stable, energetic core pulsates colorful, worldwide, diverse life. The core, the heart, is the resurrected Christ. It is written that He, once lifted up on the cross, will draw all to Himself. (John 12:32)

In the Logo, we can see how the mystery of faith represented in the picture permeates our world that is in need of redemption and is waiting for the Good News, the Gospel. As SDS – Sorores Divini Salvatoris – Sisters of the Divine Savior – we are called and sent to proclaim Jesus’ message of salvation and to make people His disciples, His apprentices because He is the Master. (Mt 28:1-20)

As Salvatorian Sisters, we have all the means of proclamation inspired by the love of Christ at our disposal! The seven colored ellipses allow for multiple interpretations of our worldwide mission. If we surrender to the dynamics of divine life with faith and trust, we will experience how we and all people through us come to life.


As a community of women, in which each one is original with unique abilities and gifts and in which each one has been individually and personally called by Jesus to follow Him, we have consecrated our lives to Him and serve wherever we are sent in accordance with the worldwide mission of our Congregation. As Salvatorian Sisters, we are part of both the Salvatorian and the human family. What unites us all who live as individuals in a community is being human.

rekindling the gift of the Spirit among us so as to proclaim the gospel and inflame all

The one who has become aware of one’s own divine DNA (we were even entrusted with an “additional bonus,” namely that we, as Sisters of the Divine Savior, can recognize in Jesus (meaning of the word: God heals, God saves), the Son of God, our brother and thereby understand that ALL people descended from God and belong to ONE human family) will value oneself and deal with oneself as well as with others and the creation entrusted to all of us by God in a dignified way.

Prayer for the  XXII General Chapter

Lord, Jesus Christ, Savior of the World,

You, who walked the paths of our humanity and called us to follow you out of love, towards the Kingdom of Heaven, revive in us, by the power of your Spirit, apostolic zeal, trust in your Divine Providence, the heart of mercy and commitment to those most in need. 

Divine Savior, encourage our journey and inflame us with your love. We seek the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Saviour that our work of the XXII General Chapter may bear fruit in the lives of each member and the entire congregation. 

Blessed Francis Jordan, Pray for us Blessed Mary of the Apostles, Pray for us Amen!

History of our General Chapters

I General Chapter

The first General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 01-06 December 1905, in Rome at Salita San Onofrio, convoked by Bl. Mary of the Apostles. Around 22 sisters took part in it.

II General Chapter

The second General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 07-13 July 1908, in Rome at Salita San Onofrio, convoked by Mother Ambrosia Vetter. Around 23 sisters took part in it.

III General Chapter

The third General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 21-29 July 1914, in Rome, Salita San Onofrio, convoked by Mother Ambrosia Vetter and 32 sisters took part in it.

IV General Chapter

The fourth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 27 July-02 August 1921 in Obermais Meran, convoked by Mother Liboria Hansknecht. Around 19 sisters took part in it.

V General Chapter

The fifth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 25 July-06 August 1927, in Rome at Villa Salvator, convoked by Mother Liboria Hansknecht. Around 17 sisters took part in it.

VI General Chapter

The sixth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 19-29 August 1933 in Rome 144, Mother House, convoked by Mother Liboria Hansknecht. Around 21 sisters took part in it.

VII General Chapter

The seventh General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 18-26 August 1939 in Rome 144, Mother House, Viale Gianicolensi 77, convoked by Mother Liboria Hansknecht. Around 23 sisters took part in it.

VIII General Chapter

The eighth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 27 May-07 July 1947 in Rome 144, Mother House, Viale Gianicolensi 77, convoked by Mother Olympia Heuel. Around 23 sisters took part in it.

IX General Chapter

The ninth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 25 May – 24 July 1953 in Rome at Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Mother Olympia Heuel and 34 sisters took part in it. The Sisters choose as their motto of the Chapter Not to go forward is to go back.”

X General Chapter

The tenth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 25 May – 15 June 1959 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Mother Olympia Heuel. Around 44 sisters took part in it.

XI General Chapter

The eleventh General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters started on 29 May 1965 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Mother Demetria Lang. Around 54 members took part in it.

XII General Chapter

The twelth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters (Special chapter after the Vatican Council II) took place on 28 October – 28 December 1968 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Mother Demetria Lang.

XIII General Chapter

The thirteenth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 14 May – 2 July 1971 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Mother Demetria Lang.

XIV General Chapter

The fourteenth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters started on 21 May 1977, in Rome Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Sr. Irmtraud Forster.

XV General Chapter

Fifteenth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters started on 11 November 1983, in Rome Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Sr. Irmtraud Forster.

XVI General Chapter

The sixteenth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 17 September – 16 October 1989 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Sr. Irmtraud Forster.

XVII General Chapter

The seventeenth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters started on 9 October 1995, in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Sr. Jean Schafer SDS.

XVIII General Chapter

The eighteenth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 11 November – 8 December 2001 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Sr. Jean Schafer SDS

XIX General Chapter

The ninteenth General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 5 November 3 December 2006 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Sr. Therezinha J. Rasera.

The theme of the General Chapter was “Salvatorian Women in Solidarity for Hope and Life” As a result of this chapter, under the leadership of Sr. Therezinha, the congregation was able to get to know the reality of the congregation from its different unit reports. The responce to the current emergencies concern about the crisis of the world and consequently the church and the consecrated life was developed and implemented by a process called Weaving salvatorian life towards the future. At this time the congregation was able to discern being in solidarity with the people and above all with the women and all those who are victims of trafficking. There was also an internal call about our experience as consecrated women in the call to deepen our feminine identity in the light of our charism.

XX General Chapter

The XX General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 1-31 October 2012 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Sr. Therezinha J. Rasera.

The theme of the chapter was “Salvatorian Women Mystical and Prophetic in the suffering world”. As a result of this chapter, the congregation responded to the sufferings in the world and especially that of women as they were neglected for many many years even in the Church. We, the Salvatorian women are part of this movement in the world, that at every level of the society we need to recognize the contribution of women in the world and in the Church.

XXI General Chapter

The XXI General Chapter of the Salvatorian Sisters took place on 1-30 November 2018 in Rome, Mother House Salvator Mundi, Viale Mura Gianicolensi 66-67, convoked by Sr. Edith Bramberger. The theme of the chapter was “Salvatorian women, building bridges of mercy and Justice with people throughout the world”. Throughout this chapter, the suffering of the world was at the center of the discussions.The sisters in different parts of the world drew close to the poor through their diverse apostolates and ministries.

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