The day started with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Rev. Fr. Adam Teneta, SDS – General Vicar of the Society of the Divine Savior.

The capitulars met together per continent, namely; Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. They shared about the ongoing projects that they collaboratively planned and implemented. In the process of sharing, they distinguished which ones feels energizing or thriving and or worth the sisters’ investment of all their abilities and strength. On the other hand, they also shared which ones are floundering or draining the sisters’ energies. Before the continental gathering ended, on a macro level, they together looked at what is happening in the world around them and named those which might be worth paying attention to. The output of the morning session was shared in the plenum.

In the afternoon, the capitulars were divided into three groups to listen to the report of the Generalate for the past six years. The report of the Generalate focused on three major topics as follows; realities that they find in the visitations, the beauty there is, the possibilities, contradictions and challenges; the Generalate’s journey of coming together as a team, both as a working team and as a community of sisters and the concerns of the Generalate Team for the future as ONE body. The members of the Generalate Team divided themselves accordingly and made the presentation in a creative, engaging and understandable manner.

The day ended fruitfully with the capitulars sharing their thoughts, feelings, assessment and even affirmation about the Generalate report for the past six years.

30th Day: XXII General Chapter_Closing Ceremony

30th Day: XXII General Chapter_Closing Ceremony

On the last day of the general chapter, another faith-sharing was done focusing on the gospel of today, and they shared on what gratitude they carry in their hearts in this shared journey of faith. The regular faith-sharing created in the capitulars the sense of the...

29th Day: XXII General Chapter_Keep up the Christian tolerance.

29th Day: XXII General Chapter_Keep up the Christian tolerance.

The day started with the celebration of the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Alexander Mariadass, Ph.D.  a member of the Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. He recommended the sisters to keep on to the Christian values especially...

26th Day: XXII General Chapter_What have I silenced?

26th Day: XXII General Chapter_What have I silenced?

“What voices have I silenced within me during this chapter?, this is the point of reflection in today’s faith-sharing among the capitulars, with basis from the gospel of St. Luke, chapter 9, verses 7-9. In this gospel, Herod imprisoned and beheaded John the Baptist...

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

"Rest must be part of our lives, and our soul needs that rest to not only survive in this world, but also to prepare it for what is to come". Pope John Paul II The capitulars took a day to rest themselves and explore the great history the city of Rome offers. The day...