About Us

Life as a Salvatorian
As Salvatorian Sisters, we are more than a community—we are a family bound by unwavering strength and encouragement. Our global mission is clear: bring the message of the one true God and Jesus Christ to every heart, everywhere. This is our life’s purpose, our passion.




Voices of Salvatorians from over the world

I am Sr. Jean Schafer, SDS, from USA, North America Province, dedicated to combating human trafficking for over 20 years. My journey began in 2001, when religious sisters globally united to fight this injustice. I founded the “Stop Trafficking!” e-newsletter, which has educated thousands since 2003, and co-founded Hope House, a shelter for trafficking survivors. Witnessing women transform from victims to survivors and advocates inspires me daily. Despite the challenges posed by traffickers, our collective efforts—through awareness, education, and advocacy—can make a difference. Together, we can eradicate human trafficking and ensure freedom for all.

Salvatorian Sisters from 1895 likewise Sr. Jean Schafer, have walked together with different cultures of America in different nations such as Brazil Santa Catarina, Brazil São Paolo (from 1936), Colombia (from 1950) and Uruguay. The sisters had engaged themselves constantly in the area of formal education in schools and universities; in health care particularly in hospitals and nursing homes; in formation for Christian leadership in the parishes and dioceses, in general pastoral ministry, pastoral and spiritual counselling.

They are collaborating with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for life and justice, in vocation promotion, as well as in sponsorship for social development of the poor and in projects against human trafficking. There are around 300 sisters living in various parts of the North and South America working with NGOs and social institutions; in helping people develop their consciousness through involvement in popular social movements in the struggle for life and justice.






“I am Sr. Melpomene Mwamba SDS, from Congo region, working at the Centre Don Bosco Ngangi /Orphelinat Maison Ushindi, Goma / Nord Kivu. There are many orphaned children who are brought to this situation by various reasons such as; natural resource exploitation, war and natural calamities. The targeted violence against children is part of the warfare of armed troops in the resource-rich east of Congo. It serves to demoralize the enemy and humiliate the population – and has terrible consequences for the children. Many are recruited as child soldiers. They are kidnapped, made submissive with alcohol and drugs and forced to fight against their own villages or families and to kill people. If they manage to escape, they need protection and help. Many are traumatized and have severe feelings of guilt. Only with a lot of support can they start a new life.”

Salvatorian Sisters beginning in Tanzania (1957), Congo (1958), Mozambique (1992) Kenya (2007), Comoros (2011) and Angola (2022) have taken up various ways to raise the quality of life of the people among whom they live. They still go through all the odds to provide responsible sustainability, quality education, health care and after care for war and calamity refugees.

“I am Sr. Hildegard Enzenhofer, SDS hailing from the Austrian province. I served in the Salvatorian mission in the Holy Land for 25 years. My perception of this Holy Land has changed significantly. Here, Muslims have their rituals, and Christians have theirs. For me, this was not difficult; rather, it was enriching to witness how different cultures and religions coexist. In the nursing home in Qubeibeh, there are 40 residents, all Muslims. While I may not fully understand their culture, the language I use to communicate with them is one of closeness and love.”

Since its foundation in 1888 in Rome, the Salvatorian Sisters have witnessed cultural, religious, spiritual, and economic revolutions. The sisters who served the people in various European countries—Albania (1994), Austria (1899), Belgium (1905), England (1930), Germany (1916), Hungary (1899), Italy (1889), Poland (1929), Rome (1993), and South Tyrol (1912) have provided great help in accompanying the people of the European continent through education, healthcare, pastoral services, and refugee care.

The Salvatorian Sisters, adapting to various needs over time, have explored new ways to be present among the people, walking beside them and supporting them. For a long time, the sisters have also been active in missions, such as care for the sick in hospitals and elderly homes, teaching in schools, assisting and running retreat and prayer houses, ministering to former prisoners of concentration camps in Poland, and helping those who suffer from addictions. They support those preparing for the sacrament of marriage, provide psychological and spiritual assistance, and actively participate in the anti-human trafficking initiative, among many other ways to witness the message of Christ.














“I am Sr. Rani Fernando SDS. In 2005, after the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, I was sent back from Rome by my General Superior to assist Tsunami victims. With limited resources, we managed to build around 20 homes, which began a special mission for our congregation that also included helping war victims. During our provincial chapter in 2012, we focused on reaching out to people in their communities and witnessing Christ, prompting us to step out of our convent’s comfort zone. As the provincial, I moved to an apartment in Boscopura in 2013 with two other sisters to work with rehabilitated fishermen, following an invitation from the parish priest of St. Sebastian’s Church in Negombo. The families there were impoverished and struggled with jobs and social stigma due to an issue like drug trafficking. Despite the challenges, we embraced our mission, and we are still there, even after 10 years.”

Salvatorian sisters upon their arrival in Asian continent, in North East India (1890), have stood firm against earth quakes, natural calamities, wars, Tsunami, human trafficking, poverty, political and religious unrest. Sisters are spread in various other Asian countries such as Sri Lanka (1954), Malaysia (1975), Philippines (1966), Vietnam (2018) and Pakistan (1997) which they serve till today.

The Salvatorian sisters live among the Asians from various cultures, social backgrounds, religions to stand by them that all may receive the justice and equality.





Walking the Path of the Apostles

We are called to follow the Divine Savior with the same dedication as the apostles. Everything we do is centered on the Savior and His mission. From our earliest days, our mission has been to proclaim Christ the Savior and make the Father known through the Holy Spirit. Our motivation? A boundless love for God and our neighbors.

Giving Our All

We are committed to giving everything to God, holding nothing back. We joyfully dedicate our lives to His glory and the salvation of others. We are acutely aware of our own limitations, but our confidence rests firmly in Jesus Christ and the patrons of our Congregation. Our aspiration is nothing short of sainthood, and with God’s grace, we will achieve it.

Living Our Apostolic Mission

Our mission is part of the universal mission of the Church, wherever we are sent, we serve with the Church, aiming to make Christ known as the Savior. Our lives are a testament to Christ’s love, urging us to serve others tirelessly so they may experience the fullness of life. We seek to be filled with an apostolic spirit, enduring hardships, praying fervently, and working with unrelenting zeal. Our trust is in the saving grace of Christ, growing in holiness through our complete and selfless love.

Serving with Heart and Justice

Inspired by the love of Christ, we embrace our apostolic mission wholeheartedly. We respond to the needs of our times, the call of the Church, and our own unique gifts. Every action we take is aimed at awakening and strengthening faith. We strive to be living examples of the Good News through our kindness, justice, and love for all. In serving others, we serve the Lord Himself, always focusing on the salvation of every person.

Join us in our heartfelt mission to spread Christ’s love across the world. Together, let’s make an impact that resonates for eternity.

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