The morning started with a faith sharing on the gospel of St. Luke 6: 6-11 which challenges our true purpose of living our faith life and of healing. Later, the capitulars greeted Sr. Yasinta Godfrey Kalla who celebrated her birthday today.

The capitulars spent the whole day “exploring the future”. In view of the need to discern orientation for the next six (6) years and electing a leadership team to lead the congregation over the next six (6) years, the facilitators led the capitulars to listen and focus on what God is inviting them as they explore what the world might be like in 2030. They focused exclusively on the world around them and not on the Salvatorian as a congregation nor not on the response that they could bring to this emerging world. Therefore, the task is to travel to the future and discover what it might look like. The world wide web, the internet of things was the space they trod the whole day. Trends about politics, economic, social, environment, education, health, the Church, the digital technology, etc. was accessed – both positive and negative stuff.

Sharing became so interactive and somehow, there was an overflow of information too.

Before the day ended, the capitulars gathered together for the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Michael Angelo Dacalos, MSC. Part of his homily goes, “as you continue walking together these days, let us pray that your rich history—with the Spirit-filled values you have held since the foundations of your congregation —enkindle your hearts once more to see that the task of exploring the future, along with its hopes and anxieties, with its challenge to take risks or to let go, is nothing short of the evangelical call to bring life to the people you live with, to let them experience God’s saving and healing love in their lives.” Like what the Lord is telling us in the  Gospel today, we pray that the capitulars will have the courage to decide according to what God’s love asks of them at this moment of the congregations’ life.

30th Day: XXII General Chapter_Closing Ceremony

30th Day: XXII General Chapter_Closing Ceremony

On the last day of the general chapter, another faith-sharing was done focusing on the gospel of today, and they shared on what gratitude they carry in their hearts in this shared journey of faith. The regular faith-sharing created in the capitulars the sense of the...

29th Day: XXII General Chapter_Keep up the Christian tolerance.

29th Day: XXII General Chapter_Keep up the Christian tolerance.

The day started with the celebration of the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Alexander Mariadass, Ph.D.  a member of the Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. He recommended the sisters to keep on to the Christian values especially...

26th Day: XXII General Chapter_What have I silenced?

26th Day: XXII General Chapter_What have I silenced?

“What voices have I silenced within me during this chapter?, this is the point of reflection in today’s faith-sharing among the capitulars, with basis from the gospel of St. Luke, chapter 9, verses 7-9. In this gospel, Herod imprisoned and beheaded John the Baptist...