To paraphrase today’s first reading, we could say that there is a time to ask questions and a time to give answers. In addition, in the gospel reading from Luke 9: 18-22, it seems to be a time of asking questions for Jesus when he said, “Who do people say that I am?”. With this question, capitulars once again started the day with faith-sharing.

The whole day once again, is a time of working together, of getting nearer to something that we would like to tale with us to each of our units when we come back from this general chapter. The joy of being together, the commitment finish what has been started, to make improvements to what has been created and to confirm what has been written created an atmosphere of a synodal congregation. At this time, the capitulars prayed, listened, analyzed, dialogued, discerned and agree on making decisions which corresponds as closely to the will of God.

The day culminated with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. Vito Patera, CP who reminded us that charity and prayers go hand-in-hand and they are expressions of each another, and in this our lives should be modeled. The delegates from the Polish Province organized and prepared the liturgy.

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

On the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, Fr. Johnson V. Kumar, SDS celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the start of the day. As we are in an important phase of the general chapter, discernment on the future leadership of the congregation for the next six years, Fr....