In the coming XXII General Chapter, we especially take into our hearts the value of walking together, as our theme espoused. This moment of time together is valuable and is the grace of God. We hope that you all have a goodtime being together and Walking together as Salvatorians enflamed with the zeal to proclaim Christ. Wishing you all hearty Welcome to our XXII Genera Chapter.


More News from the General Chapter

17th Day: XXII General Chapter_ Deep into the Salvatorian key elements.

17th Day: XXII General Chapter_ Deep into the Salvatorian key elements.

The morning started with a faith-sharing in groups on the gospel of today, from St. Luke, chapter 7: 11-17 and also from the first reading of today, from 1 Corinthians 12: 12-14; 27-31. They were led to reflect on these two beautiful readings of today in relation to...

13th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day before God in stillness and silence

13th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day before God in stillness and silence

The capitulars reflected on the gospel of the day from St. Luke, chapter 6 verses 39-42. “Taking out the plank in our own eye first”, is an illustration of not forgetting our one’s tendency to be self-righteous, a reminder that all ungodliness is a cause for concern,...