25th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day reflection and inspiration in Assisi!

25th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day reflection and inspiration in Assisi!

Today, the Salvatorian Sisters had the incredible opportunity to embark on a pilgrimage to the heart of Italy, where the legacy of St. Francis and St. Clare speaks volumes of love, humility, and service. Guided by their example, we were profoundly touched by the serene beauty of Assisi, a place that welcomes all, especially those in need.

It was a day filled with joy as we spent time in prayer and reflection, embracing the spirit of service that these two beloved saints embodied. We were even blessed to feel the presence of Bl. Carlo Acutis, whose serene spirit reminds us to see the beauty in every life.

Join us in celebrating this enriching experience and sharing the message of love and compassion that Assisi so beautifully exemplifies.

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

"Rest must be part of our lives, and our soul needs that rest to not only survive in this world, but also to prepare it for what is to come". Pope John Paul II The capitulars took a day to rest themselves and explore the great history the city of Rome offers. The day...

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

On the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, Fr. Johnson V. Kumar, SDS celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the start of the day. As we are in an important phase of the general chapter, discernment on the future leadership of the congregation for the next six years, Fr....

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

“Rest must be part of our lives, and our soul needs that rest to not only survive in this world, but also to prepare it for what is to come”. Pope John Paul II

The capitulars took a day to rest themselves and explore the great history the city of Rome offers. The day was concluded by the Holy Eucharist offered by Fr. Jaroslaw Merecki SDS guided by the Generalate and the sisters from Motherhouse, Rome.

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

"Rest must be part of our lives, and our soul needs that rest to not only survive in this world, but also to prepare it for what is to come". Pope John Paul II The capitulars took a day to rest themselves and explore the great history the city of Rome offers. The day...

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

On the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, Fr. Johnson V. Kumar, SDS celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the start of the day. As we are in an important phase of the general chapter, discernment on the future leadership of the congregation for the next six years, Fr....

23th Day: XXII General Chapter_Newly elected General Councilors (Salvatorian Sisters)

23th Day: XXII General Chapter_Newly elected General Councilors (Salvatorian Sisters)

Congratulations to our Newly elected Councilors for the next 6 years.
Grateful to their readiness and Gods abundant blessing on them.
1st Councilor and General Vicaress: Sr. Jacqueline Mwakasu Kona (Congo)
2nd Councilor: Sr. Brigitte Thalhammer (Austria)
3rd Councilor: Sr. Suneela Polimetla (India)
4th Councilor: Sr. Ellen Sinclair (USA)

Today started with a faith-sharing on the gospel according to St. Luke, chapter 8, verses 16 to 18. The capitulars related this gospel reading to the stage of the election process.

In the morning, the capitulars were again guided to share in groups and create further constellations that would comprise the new generalate team for the next six years. This time, the constellations became clearer and the sharing became deeper and closer to realistic. After the morning break, the plenary resumed and the facilitators asked the re-elected General Superior to share to the plenum the some of the competencies and skills that would help her in her role and that she looks for the new Generalate Team. Some of which are the following; love for the congregation, loyalty and confidentiality, and a love for community and prayer life.

After the sharing, a time for silence and reflection took place. The capitulars once again glanced at the constellations posted on the wall of the plenary, in silence.

In the afternoon, the formal voting for the first until the fourth general councilor took place. After deliberation and counting of votes, Sr. Jacqueline Mwakasu Kona from Congo was re-elected as General Councilor and as the first voted councilor, she became the General Vicaress. Sr. Brigitte Thalhammer, SDS from Austria became the second General Councilor, Sr. Suneela Polimetla, SDS of India became the third General Councilor and Sr. Ellen Sinclair, SDS from the USA became the fourth General Councilor.

The plenary was filled with rejoicing and jubilation, thanking God for the gift of each one, as they say “yes” to their mission that they will be facing in the next six years in the Generalate.

At the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Agustin Van Baelen, SDS, and organized by the delegates from the USA Province, the new generalate team was especially blessed by the capitulars. He reminded them that as a new Generalate Team, they have the responsibility to carry and to be the light, without fear, knowing that the Lord himself always accompany them.


24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

"Rest must be part of our lives, and our soul needs that rest to not only survive in this world, but also to prepare it for what is to come". Pope John Paul II The capitulars took a day to rest themselves and explore the great history the city of Rome offers. The day...

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

On the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, Fr. Johnson V. Kumar, SDS celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the start of the day. As we are in an important phase of the general chapter, discernment on the future leadership of the congregation for the next six years, Fr....

22th Day: XXII General Chapter_Re-elected General Superior of the Sisters of the Divine

22th Day: XXII General Chapter_Re-elected General Superior of the Sisters of the Divine

Congratulation to our reelected Superior General for the next six years.
Sr. Maria Yaneth Moreno Rodriguez.

Today the capitulars greeted the day in serene silence as they remained in the calm presence of the Lord until the morning plenary started.

In the morning, the capitulars whose name have been mentioned in the constellations as the new Generalate Team were given a chance to speak to the plenum individually and share the diverse giftedness that they can bring to the betterment of the congregation in the next six years. Some of the sisters were also honest enough to share their limitations, but believing in the grace of God, they feel that the call of service is indeed special.

In the afternoon, the formal voting started. The two youngest capitulars, namely; Sr. Magdalena Kumorek and Sr. Silva Jaku were voted as tellers. The General Superior, who is the president of the general chapter and the General Secretary facilitated the process of election.

After some time, S. Maria Yaneth Moreno Rodriguez, SDS was re-elected as the General Superior for the next six years.

Before the day ends, Fr. Agustin Van Baelen, SDS – General Councilor and Secretary of the Society of the Divine Savior (Salvatorian Fathers) celebrated the Holy Mass with the leading of the delegates from Brazil, Santa Catarina and Brazil, São Paolo Provinces. The congregation extended their right hand towards S. Maria Yaneth as they pray for the grace to always seek the most vulnerable, the least, in order to embrace the Greatest, the Divine Savior, whom we follow together. This was symbolically manifested by the gesture of presenting Sr. Yaneth with an apron and sandals symbols of humble readiness to be at the service of others. As Fr. Agustin reminds us all, “A Salvatorian Family that welcomes the small and defenseless is teaching how to welcome God. In this way, we will fulfill the most profound mandate of Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan; making God known, serving and loving Him.”

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

"Rest must be part of our lives, and our soul needs that rest to not only survive in this world, but also to prepare it for what is to come". Pope John Paul II The capitulars took a day to rest themselves and explore the great history the city of Rome offers. The day...

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

On the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, Fr. Johnson V. Kumar, SDS celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the start of the day. As we are in an important phase of the general chapter, discernment on the future leadership of the congregation for the next six years, Fr....

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

On the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, Fr. Johnson V. Kumar, SDS celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the start of the day. As we are in an important phase of the general chapter, discernment on the future leadership of the congregation for the next six years, Fr. Johnson concluded his homily with the message that we are called by God’s mercy, there is nothing in us that made us qualified for his mission. It is purely His grace and mercy that brought us to this place. We are called to spread mercy, and it is His merciful care that builds us up together as a congregation.

Today the capitular greeted Mr. Mattheiu Daum, Facilitator of our General Chapter

The whole day was spent in sharing by groups and to the plenum the constellations of the future Generalate Team who sounded strongly to each and every capitular, after their prayer. The capitulars tried to feel the strong convergencies in the group sharing and the strong leaning of the Holy Spirit as we name names for the Generalate leadership team.

Prayer in silence enveloped the atmosphere in the late afternoon, and this will flow until the following day.

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

"Rest must be part of our lives, and our soul needs that rest to not only survive in this world, but also to prepare it for what is to come". Pope John Paul II The capitulars took a day to rest themselves and explore the great history the city of Rome offers. The day...

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

On the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, Fr. Johnson V. Kumar, SDS celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the start of the day. As we are in an important phase of the general chapter, discernment on the future leadership of the congregation for the next six years, Fr....

20th Day: XXII General Chapter_ Welcoming the Holy Spirit to be the guide for this day of discernment

20th Day: XXII General Chapter_ Welcoming the Holy Spirit to be the guide for this day of discernment

Today’s gospel, from St. Luke (verses 1-3), lists the names of the women accompanying Jesus along with the apostles. In the faith-sharing session, the capitulars were led to reflect on their attachments which prevent them from hearing the names that God sees as those best suited to fulfill the ministry of leadership in the congregation for the next six years.

At the beginning of the plenary session, the capitulars invited the Holy Spirit to be with them during this day of discernment. Each capitular was given a lighted candle as a sign of welcoming the Holy Spirit to guide them throughout the day of discernment. The outgoing members of the Generalate were given time to share with the plenary what activities their roles entail, both as a team and on the congregational level, as well as the implications on the international level. They also discussed the questions, discernment processes, and decisions they have engaged in, along with the statutory responsibilities they face, both canonical and civil. Their sharing on concrete experiences in the learning and doing process as a Generalate team was particularly interesting.

The latter half of the day focused on discernment regarding the type of leadership that today’s world will require. Additionally, the facilitators challenged the capitulars to reflect on the mental models they possess, which might impair their discernment and make it difficult, if not impossible, to hear what God is imparting regarding who would form the most suitable team for the congregation at this time in its history. Silent reflection and plenary sharing followed.

The remaining time was spent on discerning conversations with co-capitulars, allowing them to get to know each other better in terms of leadership and all aspects of religious life. Confidentiality was upheld during these conversations.

His Eminence, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, celebrated the Holy Eucharist organized by delegates from the Santa Catarina and São Paulo provinces of Brazil, with members of the outgoing Generalate leading the offertory procession. His Eminence reminded the capitulars to practice synodality in leadership, emphasizing that the entire community should participate in decisions that affect the life of the congregation, and urged them to move away from a pyramidal style of leadership.

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

24th Day: XXII General Chapter_A day of rest

"Rest must be part of our lives, and our soul needs that rest to not only survive in this world, but also to prepare it for what is to come". Pope John Paul II The capitulars took a day to rest themselves and explore the great history the city of Rome offers. The day...

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

21th Day: XXII General Chapter_Discernment on the future leadership

On the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, Fr. Johnson V. Kumar, SDS celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the start of the day. As we are in an important phase of the general chapter, discernment on the future leadership of the congregation for the next six years, Fr....